Divorced Co-Parents
Find support in keeping the focus on your child in any circumstance
What can a coach help you with?
The reasons you divorced or separated from your co parent are likely to come up again and again when it comes to raising your child(ren) with them. Coaching focuses on the “end goal” with every situation. Really relying on what you really want to convey, what you want to happen, what you desire your relationship to look like a year from now! And, not just the relationship with your ex but with your child(ren) as well, in regards to how they see you co parent.
Why Would I work with a coach?
Success stories include: a woman who learned that there are two different ways to parenting. Even though her ex did not align with her way of parenting she realized that her end goal was to have a more harmonious relationship with her ex. To not walk away from the drop off full of anger and obsess all weekend about the awful things she would hear when her kids retruend. She changed her mindset to become more from a place of love and understanding. Her ex loved their children and he never hurt them. He supported them emotionally and financially, he just did it in a different manner. Her goal was to see her children loved and by both parents…..and to lose the icky feeling of anger and resentment she was harboring against her ex. She succeeded in every area!
How Does It Work?
What we discuss in these sessions is where you currently are and where you want to be in the future. We set goals, find answers, and truly seek the best way for you to handle your situation and thrive throughout the entire process of separation and divorce. I am available by email to my divorcing clients during the week days and I know emergencies come up and scary situations can arise so I am here for things like emergency hearings, pre mediation sessions, pre and post hearing sessions, pre and post drop off sessions (co parenting). This can be a scary and very lonely time and my goal is to accompany you through the journey to help decrease the negative emotions as much as possible and help you with a smooth transition.
My Story
I am a Certified Professional Coach specializing in Relationship and Divorce. I am also an Energy Leadership Index-Master Practitioner. I worked for a Family Law Attorney for 3 years and, while I am now a happily married woman with 3 kids, I was once a tired, completely alone, struggling, single mom going through an awful divorce.